Tagged: Sky TV

David Shearer and David Cunliffe

Memo to David Shearer: is taking gifts from lobbyists ever a good idea?

#145209321 / gettyimages.com This post was originally published at Liberation. David Shearer has defended taking free hospitality from SkyCity at the Rugby World Cup by saying he didn’t know at the time about the ‘convention centre for pokie machines deal’. If this is really true, then Shearer is, at the very least, guilty of incompetence, as the deal was announced in June 2011 and he is an Auckland MP. The deal was covered by the media at the time in June 2011. The alternative is somewhat worse for Shearer, namely that he was in fact fully aware of the news of the deal in June 2011,...

Ron Smith – update

Following my previous post, I sought comment from Dr. Ron Smith. His response: Dear Geoffrey, I am overseas at the moment. I will hope to have a look at your dissertation late November, when I get back. I am no longer involved with ACT, though I have some contact with ACT and former ACT persons. Regards Ron Smith This is pretty much what I expected to hear. As I understand it there are a lot of people around who were enthusiastic about ACT in its incipient and more wealthy phase around the mid-1990s, but who dropped off as the party...

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