Tagged: Rodney Hide

Newsflash: ACT overshadowed by the Herald

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] It’s interesting that ACT and Rodney Hide were overshadowed in the New Zealand Herald‘s coverage of the opposition to the Electoral Finance Bill by other small parties, most notably the Maori Party. In the report space was given only for a comment by Hide in a collection of quotes from MPs opposing the bill. It wasn’t a particularly exciting comment – perhaps that’s why it came last, even after the Progressives (the 1 MP party). Indeed, it was Hone Harawira who was allocated much attention by the Herald and it’s not hard to see why – he gave...

ACT vs. New Zealand First

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] The latest Roy Morgan poll finds that New Zealand First has increased its support from 3.5% to 5.5%. ACT, however, continues to be down in the cellar at 1%, where it has been pretty much for the last two years. Now, I’m no fan of the Duncan Garner-style breathless commentary (“will come as a massive blow to the…”) on individual polls, but I think it might be useful to look at the differences in ACT and NZ First behaviour in recent weeks. First and foremost, New Zealand First found itself a winning issue for its potential constituents. The...

Comment by Craig Foss MP on Rodney Hide

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] This comment from Craig Foss (first-term National MP) was posted at his blog. It’s facetious but he makes his point: Identity Fraud at Parliament The Inland Revenue Department was reviewed by Parliaments Finance and Expenditure Committee this morning. During the review, a guy came in and sat down in Rodney Hide’s, from the Association of Consumers and Taxpayers Party, (ACT), designated seat. This person then took Mr Hides call to speak and proceeded to wax lyrical about what a great job IRD were doing! He was also very generous, almost loving in his praise of the Labour party!...

Response from Stephen Franks to dissertation

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] After submission, I sent copies of my dissertation to a number of figures connected in some way to ACT, including former MPs. Stephen Franks, an ACT MP from 1999-2005, sent me this response after reading a couple of weeks ago. I have been holding off publishing it as I wanted to seek his permission to post it here. Today I have received permission to publish it in a slightly modified version supplied to me by Franks. I have also received comments from another person and will reproduce these in due course. Anyone who wishes to comment on my...

‘We’re Here to Help’ reviews and links

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] I keep meaning to write a fuller post on Craig Heatley, seeing he generated some discussion in the comments in a post a few days ago. Until I get around to that, here are some reviews and links of We’re Here to Help. I still haven’t seen the film yet, but hope to do so soon. The reviews I have found are universally positive and usually take the view that the film is non-partisan and is a classic example of the proverbial “little guy” taking on the big guns and winning. For example, back in October, David Farrar...

ACT 2008 Annual Conference

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] Early notice of the 2008 ACT Annual Conference has been in the member-only e-mail newsletter ACTion! for a couple of weeks now. It will be on March 14/15, at the Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre in Auckland. Funnily enough, I happen to be coming to Auckland that weekend, so I hope to be able to go along at least on the Saturday to cover it for Douglas to Dancing. I’m expecting something bold and new at the conference. I think it will be the first of the election year party conferences, so ACT has a good opportunity to...

Hide vs. Mallard – part II

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] I’m pleased to see Margaret Wilson threw out Hide’s complaint about Trevor Mallard. Hide did not do himself any credit with this – a real “sideshow” to promoting policies if ever there was one: [Wilson] said the ACT Party leader did not raise the matter in time and had not done it the right way. “If a member wishes to have the Speaker refer the matter to the Privileges Committee, the member must act immediately…. Mr Hide said he was disappointed by Ms Wilson’s response. “It is difficult to imagine what constitutes a breach of privilege if punching...

We’re Here to Help premiere

I’d have to agree with Dave Henderson, on whose “battle” with the IRD the new film (on general release from tomorrow) We’re Here to Help is based. This is what was reported in the Press this morning: Henderson said all the Labour MPs were invited to the premiere of We’re Here to Help in Riccarton last night, but none arrived. “It is time they got over it,” said Henderson, 52. “I’m just a Kiwi boy and they screwed up and it is about time they acknowledged it and fixed it.” Henderson said the Inland Revenue Department was “cowardly” for not...

Comments in ODT on Geoff Robinson vs. Rodney Hide

For the benefit of readers living north of the Waitaki River, I reproduce comments by Clarke Isaacs, radio reviewer for the Otago Daily Times (7/11/07, p. 28): The normally mild-mannered, even-handed Geoff Robinson, co-presenter of Radio New Zealand National’s Morning Report, was uncharacteristically aggressive the Tuesday before last when interviewing Act New Zealand leader Rodney Hide about his intended complaint to the much-publicised right-cross Cabinet Minister Trevor Mallard landed on National’s Tau Henare. Robinson’s interviewing partner, the feisty, no-holds-barred Sean Plunket, might have to look to his laurels should Robinson find that he quite likes a fiery questioning style when...

Hide vs. Mallard

This week, Rodney Hide took a complaint to the Speaker about the scuffle between Labour minister Trevor Mallard and National MP Tau Henare, in which the former admitted assaulting the latter, as NZPA reported: ACT leader Rodney Hide says he will go to the police if his privileges complaint over the stoush between Trevor Mallard and Tau Henare goes unheard.Mr Hide said last week he would lay a breach of privilege complaint with Speaker Margaret Wilson over the altercation which saw Mr Mallard punch Mr Henare. Hide has posted his full letter to Wilson at his blog. In keeping with...

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