Tagged: Regulatory Responsibility Bill

Ultimus inter pares – part I

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] Minister of Local Government Minister of Regulatory Reform Associate Minister of Commerce + Minister of Consumer Affairs Associate Minister of Defence Associate Minister of Education + Reviews, committees, discussions, aims, aspirations, considerations, concepts, Commissions, working groups, taskforces, briefings – Roger Douglas = A great deal for the National Party. Over the past week ACT has been successfully cornered by a cunning John Key. Overtly, Key has told New Zealand that the reason he wanted to draw in the Maori Party and United Future – even though their participation is technically unnecessary – is to build an “inclusive” government....

Commerce portfolio for Hide?

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] Dene Mackenzie suggests in today’s ODT that Rodney Hide may be made Minister of Commerce to conduct a review of legislation: Mr Hide could become commerce minister, responsible for a review of regulation. He will not be given law and order or energy given Act’s “three strikes and you are out” policy and his call to dump the “dopey emissions trading scam [scheme]”. This could also mean that ACT gets its Regulatory Responsibility Bill passed as one of its contributions to the new government. The Herald reports that ACT is still keen to find a role for Douglas....

The difference a year makes…

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] Some highlights from the transcript of my interview with Rodney Hide, August 2007: “I mean my view of Roger Douglas is, he’s a great guy, but he’s always bagged his own team, he’s done that his entire life in politics, and so he’s continued, he bagged ACT and me and Richard from the time we got to Parliament, so there’s nothing new in that.” “So we’ve got to make ourselves relevant and new and also position ourselves better in an MMP environment, as compared with a tactical appendage to National” “I think we have changed ACT totally, no...

ACT’s Christmas mailout – part 2

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] In a pre-Christmas posting, I looked at what ACT president Garry Mallett had to say to members in a December 2007 letter. Today I examine what leader Rodney Hide had to say for himself. Hide’s letter is an important document, as it is the closest guide we currently have as to how ACT is planning to campaign in this year’s election. First, Hide talks about a “Taxpayer Rights Campaign”. According to Hide, this “campaign will demonstrate what makes ACT fundamentally different…[the] party will advocate for a constitutional limit on the size of the tax take and tax cuts”....

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