Tagged: Nicky Hager

Who is Simon Lusk? Examining the crucial figure in Nicky Hager’s Dirty Politics

Largely lost in the discussion of Nicky Hager’s Dirty Politics is a key figure – Simon Lusk. Simon Lusk has his own chapter in the book– Chapter 5, “Simon Lusk’s Plan”. He also features heavily in Chapter 6 – “El Rushbo of Aotearoa”. In this chapter, the role of Lusk in ending Rodney Hide’s leadership of the Act Party is discussed. The Hide issue has been well discussed in the media over the past few days, and Andrew Geddis offers a useful summary. Chapter 5 details Lusk’s plan to back right-wing candidates in safe National seats. Hager includes Facebook conversations...

#Hagerbook: How did Martyn Bradbury know what was in “Dirty Politics”?

On Monday, Martyn Bradbury posted “3 guesses about Nicky Hager’s new book” on The Daily Blog. The post is so short that it’s worth quoting in full: 3 guesses about Nicky Hager’s new book Nicky is about to inject some critical analysis into politics with the launch this Wednesday of his brand new book. Here are my 3 guesses on his book. 1 – Right wing spin doctors in Wellington will be crying harder than Matthew Hooton post the Hollow Men. 2 – We won’t hear from the Taxpayer Union for a while. 3 – This won’t be the only...

On Newztext

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] A major resource for anyone writing about a New Zealand political topic is the Newztext database. This is a online subscriber-only database but is commonly accessible through institutions. When I was writing my dissertation, I had access to the database through the University of Otago. If you don’t belong to such an institution, however, don’t despair. Newztext is also freely available through many public libraries and is quite likely accessible simply by going to your local library’s website (click here for a list of every library in the country) and entering your library card number and PIN. What’s...

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