Tagged: Michael Cullen

Attack – and be attacked

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] Recently ACT has launched some scathing attacks on both Labour and National, in the hope of tarring both with the same brush and showing ACT out to be the only option for something different. To take just one example, from last week: It’s clear to us that the problem for New Zealand is economic as well as financial. It’s also clear that the political response from John Key and Michael Cullen has been both woeful and irresponsible. Their policy promises will make tough times worse. ACT can keep chipping away on these attacks, but its capacity to be...

Attacks on ACT from left and right – an Easter bonus for the party?

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] ACT can be well satisfied with itself this Easter, having caused not one but two attacks on it before the break. To me it sounds like a return to the old days, when ACT caused loathing from both the left and the so-called centre right. During the 1999 election campaign, Bill English called ACT’s policies “unrealistic”. On Thursday he was forced to do much the same, while John Key was scrambling to find a coherent answer to the idea of Douglas becoming a Cabinet minister. The kerfuffle started when Douglas outlined policies he wants to implement should he...

Rodney Hide on Radio Live and owning up to being a right-wing party

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] Today I was fortunate enough to tune into Radio Live just after the 1pm news to hear that Rodney Hide was going to be hosting the afternoon slot (1-4pm) solo. Last week reports to this blog said that he had been paired with Willie Jackson in a left-right battle. I was able to listen until 2 o’clock and I have to say that Radio Live made an inspired choice. It’s hard to imagine any other sitting MP being offered the chance to host his own programme for three hours, although having said that I recall Radio Live hired...

We’re Here to Help premiere

I’d have to agree with Dave Henderson, on whose “battle” with the IRD the new film (on general release from tomorrow) We’re Here to Help is based. This is what was reported in the Press this morning: Henderson said all the Labour MPs were invited to the premiere of We’re Here to Help in Riccarton last night, but none arrived. “It is time they got over it,” said Henderson, 52. “I’m just a Kiwi boy and they screwed up and it is about time they acknowledged it and fixed it.” Henderson said the Inland Revenue Department was “cowardly” for not...

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