Tagged: IRD

Comment by Craig Foss MP on Rodney Hide

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] This comment from Craig Foss (first-term National MP) was posted at his blog. It’s facetious but he makes his point: Identity Fraud at Parliament The Inland Revenue Department was reviewed by Parliaments Finance and Expenditure Committee this morning. During the review, a guy came in and sat down in Rodney Hide’s, from the Association of Consumers and Taxpayers Party, (ACT), designated seat. This person then took Mr Hides call to speak and proceeded to wax lyrical about what a great job IRD were doing! He was also very generous, almost loving in his praise of the Labour party!...

We’re Here to Help premiere

I’d have to agree with Dave Henderson, on whose “battle” with the IRD the new film (on general release from tomorrow) We’re Here to Help is based. This is what was reported in the Press this morning: Henderson said all the Labour MPs were invited to the premiere of We’re Here to Help in Riccarton last night, but none arrived. “It is time they got over it,” said Henderson, 52. “I’m just a Kiwi boy and they screwed up and it is about time they acknowledged it and fixed it.” Henderson said the Inland Revenue Department was “cowardly” for not...

Hide vs. Mallard

This week, Rodney Hide took a complaint to the Speaker about the scuffle between Labour minister Trevor Mallard and National MP Tau Henare, in which the former admitted assaulting the latter, as NZPA reported: ACT leader Rodney Hide says he will go to the police if his privileges complaint over the stoush between Trevor Mallard and Tau Henare goes unheard.Mr Hide said last week he would lay a breach of privilege complaint with Speaker Margaret Wilson over the altercation which saw Mr Mallard punch Mr Henare. Hide has posted his full letter to Wilson at his blog. In keeping with...

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