Tagged: ACTion

Douglas to Demolition

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] This from today’s ACTion! e-mail newsletter: Office Space Required in Newmarket – URGENTLY Can anyone help us find a new home in Newmarket as our current premises are due for demolition very soon. If you know of any office space for rental contact Margaret on…

ACT’s Christmas letter – part 1

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] I joined ACT for research purposes in February 2007, at the outset of my research, but on Thursday this week finally received my first piece of conventional mail from the party. Of course, like most parties these days, ACT prefers to save money and use e-mail. Accordingly, it sends out the weekly ACTion! e-mail newsletter to members every Friday. The problem with ACTion! is that there’s not a lot in it and most of it is the same each week, having been copied and pasted from the previous edition. It’s also not very personalised and I’m sure for...

ACT contesting Wellington Central

[text-blocks id=”act-party”] Party newsletter ACTion! reported today that ACT will be contesting the Wellington Central seat at the 2008 election, with the candidate to be “unveiled” next Thursday. By the sound of the announcement it must be a stellar candidate, who knows, perhaps a former MP or city councillor? Or someone from media or sport? Whoever it is, he or she will have to be well known to Wellingtonians to have any chance of winning the seat. Richard Prebble held this seat from 1996-1999, but the electoral boundaries have since changed, making this a harder seat for ACT to win....

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