That’s it – for now
My thanks to everyone who has offered constructive criticism and feedback on my posts.
LATEST – FINAL WORD ON THE POLLS: the Roy Morgan poll just out also puts ACT at 4% support of the party vote. ACT should be very disappointed if it gets anything less than 3%. Because newspaper polls today showed National at close to 50%, ACT could well prosper further, as National supporters decide that their party is in government and does not need their vote. While it should be noted that the Morgan poll put Labour up (at 34.5%) and National down (at 42%), minimal reporting of the poll will erode any galvanising effect on National support it could have. Five per cent for ACT now becomes a distinct possibility.
To finish, some ACT news links from this week for anyone who hasn’t seen them:
Douglas has pet projects lined up
Sir Roger Douglas is promising to “do heaps” in Parliament even if it is from the back benches and has singled out primary school education as one of his first “projects”.
Wang accuses opponent of dirty tactics
Former Act MP and Botany candidate Kenneth Wang is accusing his opponent, National MP Pansy Wong, of “dirty tactics” and having a “deliberate strategy to scare voters with the possibility of two Chinese MPs” – after the Electoral Commission decided on Monday not to uphold a complaint Mrs Wong had made against his campaign.